Protests against vaccine rules in Europe, カナダ

1 min read

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Paris to protest mandatory COVID-19 vaccination passes.

French authorities will require people to show proof of vaccination to access eateries and long-distance public transport from Monday.

A participant in Saturday’s protest said the French people should unite so they will not be deceived. She added it is totally unacceptable that the government is taking measures that divide people and are discriminatory.

Similar protests were held in other European nations, including Spain and Sweden.

Hundreds of people rallied on Saturday in Toronto, Canada, to protest anti-coronavirus measures.

They oppose rules that require people to show proof of vaccination at large-scale sports events, and called for allowing restaurants and bars to return to normal operations.

The daily tally of new coronavirus infections in Canada has been on the decline, but the provincial government of Ontario plans to ease the restrictions in phases from later this month through March. The plan is being criticized by people who want a quick economic recovery.

A protester said Ontario should follow England’s example and stop lockdowns and mandatory vaccine passes.

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Omori Yoshiaki


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